6 Tips For Fast Crawling Blog


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6 Tips For Fast Crawling Blog

In this article, we will discuss about 6 Tips For Fast Crawling Blog. Whenever you create a new website or write a post or create a page, Google’s crawler comes to it and checks that blog, after which it does indexing but the problem is that some of our blogs are not crawled, so if they are not crawled, then how will they be indexed, but when there is no index, then where will we get the rank, hence, it is very important to make the crawling fast. Along with writing the post, we should pay attention to its indexing. It is not that you are just writing posts, they are neither being crawled nor indexed, then you will not get traffic from anywhere nor will you be able to rank, hence pay maximum attention to the crawling of your website. For this, there are some settings.

There are some important factors which you have to follow. In this post, we will talk about all those which are necessary for crawling. Following are some such factors which are necessary to make crawling fast.

There are 6 Tips For Fast Crawling Blog

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6 Tips For Fast Crawling Blog

Sitemap submit

To do better crawling, you have to submit a sitemap and integrate the sitemap into your website. There are two types of sitemaps, one is sitemap HTML and the other is sitemap XML. You have to add both of these to your website and set them up because If there is a sitemap on your website, then all your blogs will be visible to Google and along with this, all the blogs will also be visible to the users, so add the sitemap as soon as possible, because of this, all your blogs will be crawled because when you are crawling by Google, If you go to this page, it will go to other pages also because of the sitemap, so add the sitemap quickly.

Website speed

When your website speed is good, your posts open very quickly, and then Google crawls those websites, those posts, and those pages very quickly because when the speed of your website is good then the user experience will be good. Suppose Google’s crawler crawls your website. But it comes and opens your page and that page opens in a long time. If the speed of your website is very low then Google will not crawl it because when Google is opening in such a long time, then how long will it take for the user to open it?

To increase the speed of your website, do technical SEO for this, delete extra plugins, keep your website very easy, keep it free, do not put too much emphasis on it, and do not put too much load on it, hence blogging always keeps the website normal, keeps it simple. Don’t do much designing, designing is done on a business website. There is no designing in blogging websites, you just have to provide good information and write high-quality content.If you follow 6 Tips For Fast Crawling Blog then you will get fast crawling.

Internal linking

It is very important to have internal linking to do fast crawling. Suppose you have written a blog and have written a blog related to it before, then if you give a link to your old blog in that blog, if your old blog is not indexed you will be able to add a link to the new one. Due to internal linking in the blog, your old blog will also get crawled because when Google’s Bot comes to your new blog, through internal linking, it will also go to your old blog, therefore it is very important to do internal linking if you want that your If all your pages are crawled, all your posts should be crawled and if it is fast then you have to do some internal linking in each of your posts.

You must have seen that there are many such websites which do a lot of internal linking. One advantage of doing internal linking is that Old blog posts also start getting ranked, hence internal linking has a huge contribution in fast crawling.


You also have to get proper hosting from the right company. Some people take some local hosting. Because of hosting, your server runs very slow. Nothing is shown on the page of your website for some time or sometimes a 404 error comes. Or the website gets deactivated, and many such errors start coming, so always keep in mind that whenever you have to take hosting, it has to be taken from a good website. You have to take special care of posting. When you take good hosting on your website, you take fast hosting, then If there is a blog, all the blogs will be crawled and indexed.

Post Regular Without Gap

When you create a blogging website, you have to keep this thing in mind you have to write regular posts. Otherwise, if you have written a post today and then after 10 days you have written a post, then Google will not crawl your post because Google Only those websites are crawled and indexed by serious people, who do blogging regularly and write good posts, hence you have to post regularly. When you post regularly, your crawling will be fast and your website will be better in the eyes of Google.

Value will be created, so if you are blogging, then do it like a timetable, give it daily time, give time and correctly write the blog. If you leave a gap, your crawling will stop and Google will not crawl your post. Do not leave any gap, you have to write posts regularly, you have to write blogs, if you want to do fast crawling then post regularly.


This is very important point in 6 Tips For Fast Crawling Blog Backlink is the off-page SEO of our website. In the same way, in on-page SEO, we write content, put images, design the entire post, and write the whole post, off-page SEO is for the website. Off-page, SEO makes your website external. Ranks differently. In on-page SEO, you have to do the backend work. You have to SEO the website from within but this does not happen in off-page SEO. In this, you have to create as many backlinks as possible and increase social media engagement. If you create as many website backlinks as possible, your crawling will be fast.

Suppose you have created a backlink of your post and it is not crawled, then when Google goes to the website on which you have written the blog, it will crawl that website. Through backlinks, your website will also be shown to them, and your page will also be shown to them, due to which Google will crawl you very quickly because Google’s crawler will get a chance to reach your website through that link, hence creating as many backlinks as possible. After all, the more You will create backlinks, it increases the authority of your website,

Builds trust in your website and increases the value of your website in the eyes of Google and you get a very good rank. Backlinks are very important for fast crawling, hence use maximum backlinks. Take care and create as many backlinks as possible. Create backlinks regularly if you want fast crawling. These are 6 Tips For Fast Crawling Blog


I hope you have understood well what you have to do for fast crawling. and know about 6 Tips For Fast Crawling Blog. For fast crawling you do not have to work too hard, there are only a few points which are mentioned above, and you have to follow all of them. Try following them all. After that, your crawling will happen very quickly, it will be very fast because our post needs to be crawled. When Google is not coming to your website then how will it rank it? If your website is not being shown not only on Google. Then from where will it be visible to the user, hence we need Google to come to our website and crawl our posts. To make crawling fast, there are some settings, there are some methods, there are some tricks, and we have to follow them completely, only after that, you can get regular access. To write a blog, if you write a blog regularly, your crawling will be faster.

There will come a time when you will post here and there, your post will be indexed in 5 minutes and when your post is indexed, it will also be ranked. Suppose Google starts ranking your website. If your page is not being crawled, then how will it be shown on Google? When it is not shown on Google, your website will never rank, so to crawl your website quickly, you will have to make some settings. The trick has to be done, there are some important things which you have to do, in this blog we have covered all those things, you read this blog completely and after this, you will follow all these points in your blog, due to which you will get ranking very quickly, you will get indexing very quickly and Karoling will also happen to you very soon.

Make your website trusted. When your website becomes trusted then your website will rank in the eyes of Google. For this, you have to write blogs regularly and take blogging seriously. Do not gape at all. You should pay full attention to internal linking. The more internal linking you do, the higher the crawl and the faster the indexing will be. Along with this, you have to pay a lot of attention to the backlinks. You also have to make the backlinks regular. Through backlinks, all the pages of your website get indexed, and all the posts get indexed, hence All the actions you have to do to get your website crawled quickly.These were 6 Tips For Fast Crawling Blog.

6 Tips For Fast Crawling Blog
fast indexing
web crawling blog
crawling indexing and ranking
how to index new blog post in google quickly
6 Tips For Fast Crawling Blog

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