How To Rank Blog On Google – 7 Tips To Viral


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How To Rank Blog On Google

In This article, we will discuss how to rank blog on Google. If you have a blogging website, then we all want any of your blogs should go viral because until any of our blog posts goes viral, we do not earn any income and our website does not become an authority website, that website does not come much in the eyes of Google and does not come much in the eyes of the user as well when a blog goes viral, one of our posts goes viral, due to that, through internal linking, many more of our blogs start going viral, so we all want that our posts go viral, many of us work very hard, try a lot to make our blog viral but they are not able to do it because they do not know the complete step by step method, so in this whole blog, This article will help you That how to rank high on google

we will give you such 5 to 6 tips if you want to follow them, then you can also make your blog viral because the blog needs to go viral if your blog itself is not viral, then it is useless, your hard work is also meaningless, your money is also wasted, investment is also meaningless, so whenever you do blogging, you have to work hard on it, work hard and take it step by step, first you have to do on-page SEO, off-page SEO You have to do technical SEO, you have to keep all these factors in mind and whenever you want to publish a blog, you have to do a lot of things before publishing the blog, we will discuss them in this entire blog

There are main points for how to rank blog on Google

Quality Content

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How To Rank Blog On Google

First of all, we have to bring quality to our content because content plays the most important role in a blog post. Google also makes only those blogs viral and ranks those blogs which have quality content and full information, due to which the user also gets satisfied and the user also gets the information he needs from that blog.

So, you have to make your content quality content. You should not make any spelling mistakes. You should not use any copied content. Whatever content you want to use, it should be your content. You have to write it from your experience. So, pay a lot of attention to the content. Unless your content is of quality, your blog will not go viral. There are main points of how to rank blog on Google. If you want to how to rank high on Google Maps then quality content is most important.

Keyword Research

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How To Rank Blog On Google

When you write a blog on a topic, you have to do a lot of research on it because we have to take the same topic which is trending. We have to write blogs on such topics which people need and which have more chances of going viral. You should not do that you pick up any topic and write a blog on it, then it will not rank. So the first thing that is done is your keyword research. There are many tools available for keyword research, there is Semrush, Ubersuggest etc. Apart from this, you can also analyze your competitor on which topic he has written a blog, so you have to research the trending topic and do keyword research.

When you research the trending topic, then after that do keyword research. You have to use high-volume keywords, such as keywords which have high search volume and which are being searched the most, for you can use them with many tools, you can also use Google Trends to do keyword research. You have to write a blog only after doing keyword research. If you want to do keyword research in a hurry, then do keyword research. Has to be viral.If you want to how to get ranked on google page 1 then you should focus on keyword research.

On page SEO

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How To Rank Blog On Google

When you go to write your blog, first of all, you have to do its on-page SEO. Unless your on-page SEO is done correctly, you will not get ranking. So, to do on-page SEO, you have to focus on the keyword, pay attention to the meta tag, pay attention to the meta description and you have to pay attention to the density. Your focus keyword should be 1.5% of your entire blog. It is very important to do on-page SEO correctly because unless on-page SEO is done correctly, off-page SEO will also not be possible. So, when we write a blog, the first option we get is on-page SEO.

When we write our blog, there is also a plugin for on-page SEO in it which keeps showing you how much percentage you have done. Its name is rank math SEO. You have to install it and keep checking how much percentage you have done on-page SEO. On-page SEO plays an important role in making the blog viral. In on-page SEO, we have to write clean content. We have to put proper headings in it. h1 h2 h3 We should not make any spelling mistakes, and we should not write copied content, you have to keep all these things in mind if you want to make your blog viral. For how to rank better on Google then you should correct on-page SEO

Off Page Seo

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How To Rank Blog On Google

Now if you have done on-page SEO correctly, then your second step comes. Off-page SEO plays a very important role in our entire content in the entire blog because in off-page SEO we have to create backlinks. We have to get relevant backlinks related to our website and along with this we also have to do social media sharing. Whatever blog you have written, you have to share it on social media as well. and as well social media advertising is most important to get a rank on Google and social media has so many ways to promote blogs.

From there you get referral traffic like Facebook etc. or Instagram or you can also share your blog on YouTube, due to which your direct traffic will come to your website. This gives you a great benefit. Off-page SEO plays the biggest role in making the blog viral, so you have to do off-page SEO properly. To do off-page SEO correctly, you have to learn to create backlinks. You should know the types of backlinks. You have to research all this information first, and find it, only after that do you have to do off-page SEO of your blog. This is the main point of how to rank blog on Google. If you want to know how to rank blog post on Google then you should know about off-page SEO

Internal Linking

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How To Rank Blog On Google

Whenever you write a post or a blog, you have to do internal linking in it as well. What is internal linking? Suppose you are writing a blog and you have already written a blog related to it on your website, then you can share its link in it. The best benefit of this will be that if a user reads your blog, then he will come to another blog through internal linking in that blog itself, due to which your other blogs will also start going viral and because of internal linking, no user will leave your website and go to any other website because whatever information he needs, he will have got it in your one blog only. Therefore, you have to take a lot of care of internal linking. Internal linking plays a very important role in making your blog viral.

Image Optimization

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How To Rank Blog On Google

When we write a blog, we also have to use images in it because images play an important role in making our blog attractive, so we have to create infographic images and not take anyone’s copyrighted image. We have to keep the size of the image to a minimum. Size means its MB, KB etc. because if you take an image of more MB, then it loads on your website and that blog opens very late, due to which the speed of your website decreases and Google does not rank those websites which do not open in speed, so speed also has to be taken care of.

You have to keep your website user friendly, you have to keep your website mobile-friendly. You have to use the right proper image. You have to take images related to your blog. Do not do that if you have written a blog related to someone else and have put someone else’s image, then it comes in spam and you do not get rank. So whenever you write any blog, you must give at least 4 to 5 images in it. You have to write the proper alta tag in the image. This is also the main point of how to rank blog on Google.

You have to write description caption etc. correctly. It is very important to optimize the image because when If we use images in our blog without optimizing them, then it has a very negative impact on our ranking. Images are also ranked in a way because when we search any query on Google, there is an image option there. If your image is in that image, then on clicking it, the user comes to your blog directly, due to which you get a good ranking.

So the biggest advantage of images is that Google has created a separate area for images. Through that area, your website can also get a lot of traffic through images. So that’s why you have to use images. Suppose you have read a blog and there is no image in it, then you will not be interested in reading the blog. So, to create the interest of the user, you need to use images. These are the main points of how to rank blog on Google.


I hope that you will understand how to rank blog on Google. Keeping all these things in mind, you have to write your blog. Making a blog viral is not such an easy task. You have to put some hard work into it. You have to give it some time. You have to invest a little too. If you also want to make your blog viral, so you have to write your blog step by step. As told to you step by step, first of all, you have to do keyword research, then topic research. After that, you have to do on-page SEO, off-page SEO, technical SEO, internal linking, external linking, and image optimisation and you also have to analyze your competitors.

You have to see which blogs our competitors are writing. You will also get a good idea from them. You have to use tools. There are many such tools which will help you a lot because by using tools many people make their blogs viral. Yes, but there is a little expense in the tool. You get charged per month, but you get it through the blog. If you are earning a good income from your blog, then you must use the tool because the tool will help you a lot in doing keyword research and these tools help you a lot in many things.

So when If you want to write a blog you have to follow many steps, and only then you can make your blog viral, the most important among these is your quality content, unless your content is of quality, your blog will not go viral, so pay maximum attention to your content, you have to write such content which is quality content, which is according to the user’s inquiry, is giving complete information to the user, that content should be of quality even in the eyes of Google, you should not make any mistake in the content, you should not write copyright content, whatever you have to write, you have to write from your side, you have to write from your experience, I hope you got a lot of information in this blog. This theory was related to how to rank blog on google.

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