What Is Internal Linking


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What Is Internal Linking

In this article we will discuss about What Is Internal Linking When we do blogging, there are many benefits of internal linking in blogging. Suppose you have a website, you have written a blog and you have previously written another blog related to that blog, then you can add a link to the old blog in your new blog. You can do this, it is called internal linking. You give internal links to related blogs on the blog of your website. Its biggest advantage is that when the user comes to your blog and needs other information, then he does not go to any other website, he keeps roaming on your website, so this makes a huge difference to your ranking,

You get a good ranking, there are many benefits of internal linking, in this whole blog we will know all the benefits of internal linking, internal linking is very important for increasing the rank and is also very important for reducing the bounce rate, some benefits of internal linking are as follows

What Is Internal Linking And Benefits?

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What Is Internal Linking

1. Best for Seo

Whenever you do SEO, you need ranking in SEO. Google’s crawler comes to your website through internal linking. It indexes even your old blogs which are not indexed due to internal linking and your blog starts getting ranked. So internal linking is very good for SEO. When you do SEO, it has many parts because SEO is not the name of a single thing; it is made up of many things, so internal linking is also a very important part of it. When you do internal linking, the SEO of that blog is done well and internal linking can improve SEO.

2. Decrease Bounce Rate

If you have done internal linking in your article, then it also reduces your bounce rate because the user remains on your website, he stays on that website for a long time, which reduces your bounce rate and increases engagement because the higher your bounce rate, the worse it will be for your website, it has a very negative impact because when a user comes to your website and does not get the information, he leaves your website in 2 seconds,

Then the value of your website decreases, its value in the eyes of Google decreases a lot, so we should always reduce the bounce rate, we should try that the user stays on our website, he does not leave the website quickly, so by doing internal linking we keep him moving, the use of internet linking is a very effective way to reduce bounce rate in blogging, use internal links as much as possible to reduce bounce rate and increase the rank of your website

3. Reader Retention

Internal linking helps a lot in keeping the reader on your website because the reader stays on your website through internal linking, the longer he stays on your website, you get very good engagement from it if the user needs any information, it is not available on your website, then he will go to another website, so if you have already given that information in your website, you have already written a blog on it, then you can give internet linking there itself, this increases your reader retention, if you link related content, then the visitor will remain on your article and will spend a lot of time on your article and keep in mind that you have to link your popular post as well,

If you write a blog, then you should also write that you should also read this post related to it, then the reader will read your post related to the popular posts, it will open it, this will increase your engagement, your bounce rate will decrease and the value of your website will increase, your authority will increase, your website will rank, so use internal linking as much as possible,

4. For Indexing

Internal linking also helps a lot in indexing your blog because when you do internal linking when Google’s crawler comes to your website, it also looks at your old blog and crawls old blogs as well. For those blogs which were not crawled earlier or were not indexed earlier, with the help of internal linking, it will crawl your old blog as well. This will increase the rank of your website, all your blogs will be indexed. Use internal linking as much as possible. It helps in improving your SEO. Plus, when your blogs are indexed and crawled, all your blogs will start going viral. This will increase the authority of your website and your website will start getting ranked. Use internal linking as much as possible. There are main benefits of What Is Internal Linking.

Main point

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What Is Internal Linking

You must have seen that there are many such websites which are very popular like Wikipedia. When you read any blog on Wikipedia, you see that there is a lot of internal linking there because Wikipedia has written thousands and lakhs of blogs. When they post a blog, they add a lot of their internal linking in this post. What happens with this is that the reader stays on their website and does not have to go to anyone else’s website for other information.

It is very important to use internal linking for the reader to spend more time on your website because you can see that internal linking is used a lot on all the popular websites. They use it a lot but you have to keep in mind where you have to give internal linking. You should not do this at all where you need internal linking. You have to give internal linking only where you need internal linking. If you have written any other old blog related to that blog, then give its internal linking. You have to give internal linking to the blog related to that blog. There is a main point of What Is Internal Linking


I hope in this blog you have understood what is internal linking, what are the benefits of internal linking, and why should we do internal linking, there are many benefits of doing internal linking, but we have told you some benefits, apart from this there are many more benefits of internet linking, internal linking helps you a lot in improving your SEO when you do SEO, you have to take care of many things because doing SEO means to rank your website, to make your website viral, so internal linking is a very important part of SEO, you have to use it as much as possible, talking about bounce rate,

It is very important to reduce bounce rate and to reduce bounce rate, and internal linking is the only tool that can reduce your bounce rate a lot, to reduce bounce rate we need our readers to spend more time on our blog and for this, if we do more internal linking then he will go to some other blog of ours, after the second one he will go to some third blog, then you will get all the information on our website and this will also increase your popularity in the eyes of Google The credibility of the website increases, the authority increases, the value increases, in the eyes of Google you are considered a trusted blogger.

Unless all our blogs are crawled and indexed, how will they rank? That is why some people are worried that their blogs are not getting ranked, or are not getting indexed, what should be done about it? For this, you have to do as much internal linking as possible. The more internal linking you do, the more your blogs will be crawled and indexed, because when old blogs are not crawled, then with the help of internal linking, old blogs also start getting crawled and indexed, that is why you have to use the internet linking as much as possible. There is full theory of What Is Internal Linking.

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