
In this article, we will discuss What is technical SEO? As you all know, there are three types of SEO – on-page SEO, off-page SEO, and technical SEO. For our website, on-page is essential, and off-page is important. In the same way, technical SEO is also necessary for our website. The technical expectation of any web page is called technical SEO. Technical SEO is done for indexing, crawling, or website speed. Whatever we do in technical SEO happens once in a lifetime, but we keep doing it on-page and off-page.
It seems as if an SSL certificate is a part of technical SEO; you join it once, download it, and it is included in your website for a lifetime; once on your site, there are many such factors, and there will be tags which You have to set it only once, you don’t have to put it again and again. What is technical SEO? It is essential to increase its speed, especially for our website.
Part of What is technical SEO?
Site map XML

In technical SEO, we first create a site map for our website. Side maps are also of two types: one is site map XML, and one is HTML site map XML, that is, whenever your crawler comes to your website. Indexes all the pages because your website’s pages and posts will be shown to Google. All the links will be shown to it.
If you have an XML ad on your side, the advantage of this is that all your post pages will be visible to Google at once. It indexes and crawls. It also indexes those pages or posts which have not been there before. So, the XML in the site is for Google and the search engine. It is essential to set up this on your website. This is the main factor of technical SEO.
Sitemap HTML

Site Map HTML is for the user. For the reader, it shows which page or post is where on our site. This makes it easier for the user to get a map of the audience. In a way, this map is done. Suppose your site Has a lot of content, posts, and pages; how will the user go to the page where he needs this post?
For this, if you have set up HTML download on the side of your site, then he can easily download whatever he wants. Whatever the user needs, whatever the user needs, it will be easily shown to him. All the pages on your site are posted on all sides; with the help of HTML, they will be displayed in a single row. Now, whatever inquiry the user may have. He can quickly get whatever he needs from there; he will not have to search inside the website; this is also an essential part of technical SEO.
Website speed
We always have to keep the speed of our website very good because every search engine wants whenever the user comes to the website, whenever the SERP result is visible, it should appear fast to the audience. If the user experience is good, then Google keeps that site on the first page. For sites with good speed, if a user comes and clicks on their website, it should open with speed. Hence, it is essential to maintain the speed of your website. In technical SEO, we work on increasing the speed of our website.
Technical SEO can also be called on-page SEO because this is the backend’s work. All the backend work is done only in technical SEO. Suppose you go to a website and you open that website. It takes quite some time. If it opens, the user experience will be wrong; the user will go to another website, and your rank will decrease; the Google search engine always keeps those websites on top with good speed. Technical SEO is also essential to increase the speed of the website. Website speed is the main factor of What is technical SEO?
SSL Certificate

Google wants all websites to have SSL certificates because SSL certificates protect our website from hackers and ensure our website is verified. Hence, it is essential to have SSL certificates on your website. You must be seeing any website. On which HTTPS has s, then an SSL certificate is applied there, and those websites that have HTTP on it initially and do not have s do not have an SSL certificate. It is essential to apply for an SSL certificate; it also dramatically affects our rank.
Redirection -404
Whenever you are searching for a page on the server, you are getting 404 on that page; that is, the page is not available; in such a situation, the rank of your website gets affected, the user experience gets spoiled, the user does not come to your website again, hence create some redirection pages. That is, whatever page is not available,
It should be redirected to another page so that the user does not go blank and the user’s experience from your website does not become useless. Hence, we have also installed redirection 404 on our website, which you must set up on your website. Whatever you have to do, if your page is unavailable, it is essential to redirect it to another page.
Make mobile friendly
You have to take care of one thing: 95% of your people will be those who will open your website on mobile, so you always have to make your website mobile-friendly; all your pages should be visible properly on mobile, and whatever image you are using in mobile. It should be visible properly because 95% of our users will come from mobile only; hence, we have to pay maximum attention to the technical section,
You have to make your website mobile friendly, you have to optimize it well on mobile, you have to optimize your website for mobile, and It should show well on both desktops; this will improve your user experience, and Google also gives value to those websites that are mobile friendly. These are all part of What is technical SEO?
I hope you have understood what technical SEO is and why technical SEO is essential for our website, just as there are on-page and off-page SEO; in this way, technical SEO is essential for our website if we use technical SEO on our website. If we work on all these parts and follow them, our website will rank very well because whatever our website is, it should always open fast, and there should not be any deficiencies.
If there is any deficiency, your rank on the website gets reduced; hence, you have to pay a lot of attention to all three parts of SEO. You also have to pay a lot of attention to technical SEO, but the best thing is that you have to do technical SEO only once, not again and again. Once you do, What is technical SEO? it will be set for a lifetime, and then you do not have to do it repeatedly, as it is on them. You have to do it again and again.
Off-page, you have to do it again and again, but technical SEO. You only have to do it once, so do the technical SEO of your website very well. If you are not that much of an expert, then get the technical SEO of your website done by an expert because, without technical SEO, your website will never be able to rank. This is the theory of What is technical SEO?
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Q.1 – How many types of SEO?
Answer – There are three types of SEO page page SEO, technical SEO
Q.2-What is the central part of technical SEO?
Answer – Speed website